Teaching and Informational Videos
Explore our video gallery. Watch conversations with some of our faculty and various guests where they discuss career mentors, research interests and more.

NU SBDRC Presents: A Conversation with Dr. Nathan C. Gianneschi (Northwestern University)
Dr. Nathan C. Gianneschi (Northwestern University) interviewed by NU-SBDRC Associate Director, Dr. Robert Lavker.

NU SBDRC Presents: A Conversation with Christopher Bichakjian (University of Michigan)
Dr. Christopher Bichakjian (University of Michigan) interviewed by NU-SBDRC Associate Director, Dr. Robert Lavker.

NU SBDRC Presents: A Conversation with Dr. John McGrath (Kings College London)
Dr. John McGrath (Kings College London) interviewed by NU SBDRC Director, Dr. Amy Paller

NU SDRC Presents: A Conversation with Dr. Brian Kim (Washington University)
Dr. Brian Kim (Washington University) interviewed by NU-SBDRC Associate Director, Dr. Robert Lavker

NU SDRC Presents: A Conversation with Dr. Doug Lowy (National Cancer Institute)
Dr. Robert Lavker sits down with the National Cancer Institute Director, Dr. Doug Lowy to discuss his career mentors, research interests, and more!

NU SDRC Presents: A Conversation with Dr. Robert Lavker
Dr. Robert Lavker, Co-Director of the SDRC & Associate Director of the Morphology and Phenotyping Core, discusses the core's services, accomplishments, and more!

NU SDRC Presents: A Conversation with Dr. Bethany Perez White
Dr. Bethany Perez White, SDRC Skin Tissue Engineering Core Director, discusses the core's projects, accomplishments, and her own research interests!